Grants Pass Healing Arts is transitioning and being acquisitioned by Blissful Being Wellness, owned and operated by Alix Marmulstein.
Here, you will still be able to see Justin Cirillo and Paula Peterson as well as other skilled therapists to best meet your needs. Grants Pass Healing Arts will have its doors open and continue serving your wellness needs until December 20th, 2024.
Please use any remaining sessions and/or gift certificates by this time.
If you do not have the ability to schedule an appointment due to travel or illness, please contact Sarah directly via email at sarah@gphealingarts.com and she will work with you to honor any credit that you have (must have been active within the last 90 days).
To book appointments before December 20th please click here
To book any appointments for dates after December 20th please visit www.blissfulbeingwellness.com.
It has been an incredible journey to work with each and every one of you and I hope moving forward that you find continued wellness and joy.
Contact Us
Sarah E. Walendy
Grants Pass Healing Arts LLC
550 SW 6th Street Suite J Grants Pass OR 97526